Food & Beverage
The Food & Beverage Industry is comprised of wide variety of businesses that require fans for the cooling, drying, ventilating, packaging and other process applications. Our fans are used in the conveying, drying and forming of animal feeds that allow for large scale production of beef, pork, dairy products, and poultry and eggs. The process of getting raw bulk grain materials from the farm to market also requires the use of fans for collecting, drying and properly storing food products. When storing fruits, vegetables and other temperature and humidity sensitive food, our fans play a key role in moving refrigerated air in these precise climate control environments. Manufacturing bottles and packaging for the food and beverage industry require many fan types for numerous processes including:
Glass Containers and Packaging
Mold Cooling
Combustion Air
Paper and Cardboard Machines
Separating, Conveying, Forming and Filling
Seed Genetics
Research Lab Exhaust
Animal Feed Production
Material Handling
Blast Freezing
Precise Climate Control
Packaging Plants
Freezers and Refrigeration
Grain Drying, Conveying, and Storage
Seed Corn Dryers
Grain Dryers
Dust Collection and Separation
Pneumatic Conveying
Grain Storage Ventilation
Ovens and Drying
Blending and Forming
Animal and Pet Food
Oven Recirculation